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Big Ten Academic Alliance


btaalogoThe Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA), formerly known as the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC), is the academic consortium of the Big Ten universities and the United States’ pre-eminent model for effective collaboration among research universities. For more than half a century, these world-class institutions have advanced their academic missions, generated unique opportunities for students and faculty, and served the common good by sharing expertise, leveraging campus resources, and collaborating on innovative programs. Governed and funded by the Provosts of the member universities, Big Ten Academic Alliance mandates are coordinated by a staff from its Champaign, Illinois, headquarters. Through BTAA leadership programs, participants who have demonstrated exceptional ability and administrative promise are aided in further developing their leadership and managerial skills.

Academic Leadership Program (ALP)

Established in 1987, the ALP develops the leadership and managerial skills of faculty from Big Ten Academic Alliance campuses who have demonstrated exceptional ability and administrative promise. Those selected from Penn State for the program were chosen because of their significant contributions and further potential for University leadership.

The BTAA’s five ALP Fellows for 2024-25 from Penn State are:

Amy Allen
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Advancement
Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies
College of the Liberal Arts


Reuben Asempapa
Associate Professor of Mathematics Education
Program Coordinator-Elementary Education (PK-4/4-8), Undergraduate and Post-baccalaureate Programs
School of Behavioral Sciences & Education
Penn State Harrisburg


Trevor Birkenholtz
Professor of Geography
Associate Head, Resident Graduate Programs
Director, Riparia Center
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences


Jennie Knies
Associate Dean for Penn State Commonwealth Campus Libraries
Penn State Scranton



Frantisek (Frank) Marko
Distinguished Professor of Mathematics
University College
Penn State Hazlelton


S. Shyam Sundar
James P. Jimirro Professor of Media Effects
Co-Director, Media Effects Research Laboratory
Director, Center for Socially Responsible Artificial Intelligence
Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications


In June 2023, the BTAA announced Penn State’s six ALP Fellows for 2023-24

In June 2022, the BTAA announced Penn State’s six ALP Fellows for 2022-23 

In June 2021, the BTAA announced Penn State’s five ALP Fellows for 2021-22

In June 2020, the BTAA announced Penn State’s six ALP Fellows for 2020-21

In May 2019, the BTAA announced Penn State’s six ALP Fellows for 2019-20

Department Executive Officers Program (DEO)

In 1997-98, the Big Ten Academic Alliance initiated the DEO, an annual program of leadership development opportunities for department heads and chairs. Institutional team participants include seasoned veterans as well as newer department heads and chairs.

The BTAA’s five DEO Fellows for 2024-25 from Penn State are:

Kimberly Cornaggia
Head, Finance
Smeal College of Business



Paul Markowski
Head, Meteorology and Atmospheric Science
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences



David Mazyck
Head, School of Engineering Design and Innovation
College of Engineering



Mauricio Terrones
George A. & Margaret M. Downsbrough Department Head in Physics
Evan Pugh University Professor
Eberly College of Science



Robin Thomas
Head, Art History
College of Arts and Architecture



In June 2023, the BTAA announced Penn State’s five DEO Fellows for 2023-24

In June 2022, the BTAA announced Penn State’s five DEO Fellows for 2022-23 

In June 2020, the BTAA announced Penn State’s five DEO Fellows for 2020-21

In May 2019, the BTAA announced Penn State’s five DEO Fellows for 2019-20